When Simon Bogemann’s hand began cramping around the steering wheel in a claw position on his commute from Geelong to Melbourne, he began to worry.
Then 43, Simon was also getting pins and needles in his feet and fingers every night in bed, and while sitting down during short lunch breaks at work.

His GP put it down to a lack of magnesium and recommended a supplement, in addition to the multivitamin he was taking for a chronic condition.
Both capsules contained added vitamin B6, too much of which could lead to the symptoms he was experiencing – a type of nerve damage known as peripheral neuropathy.
A blood test recommended by his dietician showed his levels of B6 were 36 times the recommended range. Click on the link below to read the details.
The take home:
Anecdotal advice and self diagnosis IS problematic.
DO NOT heed well intended advice from unqualified sources.
DO consult a professional qualified in their field of expertise.
The information here was reproduced from this article in the Guardian. Please take the time to have a read.
Your wellbeing is too important not to.