A google search of PCOS will return "About 51,800,000 results in (0.46 seconds)"
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PCOS is a presentation practitioners like myself will see on a regular basis in clinic. I recently came across an article from Lara Briden a practitioner based in New Zealand.
So rather than invent reinvent the wheel, I have reproduced some of that information here with links back to ALL the detail included in Lara's original article.
Poly Cystic Ovaries (PCO) PCO is an indication that there are more ovarian follicles (ovaries) than usual. This is seen in an ultrasound scan where you find over 12 follicles and a slightly enlarged ovary.
PCO is very common and occurs in 20-25% of all women of childbearing age.
PCO is diagnosed with an ultrasound and is best done by ultrasound scanning through the vagina (TVU).
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Despite the name, polycystic ovary syndrome has nothing to do with cysts on the ovaries. The so-called cysts on ultrasound are actually follicles or eggs, which are normal for the ovary. You can have many eggs and still have normal hormones, and that’s why an ultrasound test cannot diagnose (or rule out) the hormonal condition PCOS.
PCOS is best defined as androgen excess (high male hormones) when all other causes of androgen excess have been ruled out.
PCO occurs at almost the same frequency worldwide, in approximately 20-25% of women of childbearing age.
PCOS varies in frequency depending on ethnic background and is found in the western world at approximately 10%.
What Now?
To treat PCOS, you need to know what’s driving it. In other words, you need to know your functional type of PCOS.
You could have insulin-resistant PCOS, post-pill PCOS (which is temporary), inflammatory PCOS, or the far less common adrenal PCOS.
This flow chart breaks it down:
IS IT REALLY PCOS ?? click on the flow chart above for the details on the various subtypes, suggested management options and links to a multitude of topics.
The End:
As with any health challenge, if you are experiencing symptoms of PCOS consult with a qualified practitioner experienced in the best management options for your presentation.
https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/03/30/driven-by-good-intentions-why-widening-the-diagnostic-criteria-for-polycystic-ovary-syndrome-may-be-harming-wodejkhxceochreiochcio hhh.