The narrative of a high-profile figure like Elle Macpherson facing cancer undoubtedly garners attention. It underscores the importance of awareness, regular screenings, and vigilance in maintaining breast health. It also unveils a significant gap in accurate and truthful dialogue.
Publications reporting statements like I followed “an intuitive, heart-led, holistic approach” and rejected surgery, chemotherapy and radiation from a celebrity that has a vested commercial interest in "women's wellbeing" without providing the correct, full context to Macpherson’s treatment and her decisions have crucial information missing and only serve to spread more misinformation rather than getting the messaging right to alleviate fears and cut through the noise.
In more than 30 years as a practitioner I have seen and read many things based on incorrect and misleading information.
From suggestions for how a woman might best steam her vagina to manage symptoms of bacterial vaginosis to half truths like this breast cancer story.
In light of recent events, it becomes imperative to initiate conversations that transcend sensationalism and delve into the heart of breast cancer advocacy accurately and honestly.
"This whole rise with celebrities and influencers adopting the women’s empowerment language has taken the wellness movement to the next level, and often, what they’re discussing is not based on evidence.”
Empowerment stems from knowledge, not algorithms or sensationalist headlines or self serving celebs and influencers.
Dr Chris Pyke , provides informed and accurate information in the article recently published in the Guardian which you can access from THIS LINK.